Travel Time by Car 4.00 to 4.30 hours (approx) from Dhaka
Dhaka to Sreemangal road distance is 181 Km.
Distance from Sreemangal Railway Station to Balishira Resort is approx. 5km which takes around 12 mintues. You may call us at 017 6655 7760 for transport or can hire a taxi. 3-wheeler CNG Taxi cost is approx. Tk. 200, shared CNG Taxi is quite popular option.
Biman, Novo Air and US-Bangla Airlines operates daily flights in Dhaka (Dac) - Sylhet (ZYL) route. Takes around 45 minutes.
Balishira Resort - a luxury resort for unmatched relaxation I Radhanagar I Sreemangal I Moulvibazar-3210 I Bangladesh
Hotline: (880) 17 6655 7760 I Emails: I I fb/BalishiraResort/